Federal regulations have raised the bar, and the frequency of VAWA, Title IX, and Clery Act-related incidents, as well as the financial penalties for non-compliance, has increased. Why blemish your institutional brand? Be prepared!
We can reduce staff time spent on these investigations, all the while helping your institution remain compliant. Trauma-informed interviews and third-party unbiased reviews are our specialty. In conducting them, all applicable Federal laws (FERPA, HIPAA, etc.) are considered, as is confidentiality where the law permits.
Accident/Incident Review
A visitor, employee or client says “it happened this way”; our trained eyes say the facts don’t add up. Cross Island investigators can apply knowledge, skills and sound, forensically-established techniques that will reduce your personal and agency risk, and maximize your time to tackle your normal priorities.
Athletic events on campuses often lead to highly-charged emotions that can spill over onto the court or field. We assist teams and conferences in conducting impartial investigations that seek the truth.
Personnel Incident Reviews and Recommendations
The employee who normally sits at this desk is out–on administrative leave. Cross Island Consulting’s staff can conduct onsite or external interviews as a disinterested third party, provide an unbiased review of the facts, obtain additional information as needed, and submit conclusions to help you formulate a plan of action. We also provide review and expert testimony as a litigation consultant in various subject matter areas that can serve to exonerate those wrongly accused, aid in the civil or criminal processes of those who are culpable, or in the role of Amicus Curae (Friend of the Court) situations.